By Logan Philipps
The word “adulting” is everywhere in pop culture.
From Disney’s Phineas and Ferb, to a Podcast called Adulting, because being an adult doesn’t come with instructions, to a book titled Adulting: How to become a Grown-up in 468 Easy(ish) steps.
Merriam Webster Online has an article about the noun turned verb:
"To 'adult' is to behave like an adult, specifically to do the things—often mundane—that an adult is expected to do."
In short, "adulting" is doing what you are supposed to do, even if it isn’t fun.
I would venture to say that no one wakes up in the morning excited to come see me and talk about estate planning. After all, most of the conversations I have with people are about what happens when they are dead. For some folks, this conversation is concrete evidence that they indeed are not going to live forever. Estate planning is perceived to be a responsible thing to do - or an “adult” thing to do.
The word “adulting” has been uttered in my meetings many times over the last few years. From the young to the senior client, many express joy at finally “adulting."
Many young parents catch the first glimpse of themselves as full-fledged adults in my office as we talk about guardians or as they are signing trusts for their children.
There is joy in the statement...
“Honey, we are finally adulting!"
However, there is also some resignation that they have taken their first step toward becoming their parents - a process known as "parentamorphosis."
Cue the Dr. Rick Progressive commercial:
More than one person in my office have said they were excited to tell their parents they had done their estate planning – as if to say that maybe now, their parents won’t see them as the 21-year-old in dirty sweats in a dorm room.
Older, more senior clients who have always been thought of as free spirits announce proudly that at 60, they are finally “adulting.” It seems to them that waiting until they were as old as they were before they came to see a lawyer, confirms that they have resisted growing old.
Adulting is joyous in my office.
See more Dr. Rick here: